Lebanon’s elections in 2022, the necessary ‘seed of change’

Given Lebanon’s current economic and social crisis, Lebanese expatriates see hope in the 2022 parliamentary elections, to be held on March 27. Fueling this hope for change is the parliament’s decision to amend the electoral law, allowing expatriates to vote for 128 seats instead of six. . As the expat registration deadline approaches (November 20), diaspora networks around the world are mobilizing in an attempt to raise awareness and encourage others to register.

After spending most of her life abroad, Youmna Debs Bekhazi and her family decided to return to Lebanon in 2016. Four years later, they packed their bags again in search of a better future that they wished they had found in their home country. .

“It was hectic, but nice in Lebanon. We enjoy being surrounded by family and seeing our children grow up more connected to their roots, ”said Debs Bekhazi. “However, the good part did not last long and we had no choice but to go to Romania after the Beirut port explosion destroyed our home and the economic crisis deprived us of our own savings.”

Despite the disappointment, Youmna and her family’s hope for change led to them registering to vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections to be held on March 27, 2022.

“I believe that elections are the seed of change that we all need,” he said. “If the situation improves, we will return to Lebanon in no time.”

As of November 19, the global expat registration data recorded a total number of 210,033 people registered for the 2022 elections, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants. This number is more than double that of those registered in the 2018 elections, which was approximately 82,000.

“This increase indicates that more expatriates are participating in the democratic process,” said Zeina Mokaddam, a member of Nahwal Watan, a platform for political change and socioeconomic renewal.

Ralph Debbas, a Lebanese expat living in New York, is among the many who did not vote in 2018, but has already registered for the 2022 election and is encouraging others to do the same.

Lebanese expats in New York, November 2021 © Sally Farhat

“Although we felt that there was a crisis [in 2018] and we knew the government was corrupt, we felt we had little chance to change anything due to a lack of unity and leadership, “Debbas told FRANCE 24.” This time, however, we are united. The catalyst has been mainly the explosion of August 4, but also the crisis that started earlier. “

The current registration trend projects an average growth of 5 to 8.5 percent in the number of people registered daily until November 20, according to Ana Al Arar, an independent Lebanese group for constructive change.

Nancy Stephan Jabra, a member of the Lebanese Diaspora Network (TLDN), explained that there are several reasons contributing to this growth, including mobilization efforts and initiatives taking place globally to encourage expatriates to register.

“In 2018, the Lebanese government and embassies located around the world were very limited in scope,” explained Stephan Jabra. “This time, we have diaspora networks doing government work by encouraging and helping people to register.”

From social media campaigns and individual zoom calls to field events and 24- to 48-hour registration marathons, Lebanese expats from all over the world have joined forces to raise awareness of the importance of voting.

“Social media campaigns have proven to be most effective with people who just need a push to sign up. For those who are more reluctant, Zoom or WhatsApp calls are more beneficial, ”said Ghassan Hassan, a member of Nahwal Watan, and said he volunteers nearly five hours of his time a day. “We also help with the technical problems that some people face during the registration process.”

Cristine Kahil, founder of the Lebanese Diaspora Exchange in Canada and a volunteer with various diaspora groups, also participated in offline activities.

“I printed flyers and drove to some stores and dropped them off,” Kahil said. “We also did some massive initiatives where people could stop in and register. It was a way of taking the digital and putting it in the physical so that people would want to sign up. “

The following steps

As the registration deadline approaches, the question remains whether those who did register will actually pledge to vote in the 2022 election.

According to Mokaddam, voter turnout will be affected by the accessibility of voting centers around the world and the effort that the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants makes in this regard.

“If people have to travel from one city, state or country to another, we will see the number of voters drop,” Mokaddam told France 24. “However, if the government, under pressure from the international community, conducts elections without setbacks, we can expect 70 percent or more voters. “

In an attempt to also ensure that registered expats commit to vote, Stephan Jabra explained that TLDN has a number of events planned, including a campaign with the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE) to increase voter literacy. Other diaspora networks also have various activities planned.

Stephan Jabra concluded that regardless of turnout, the results of this election will be remarkable, given the increased political awareness that both Lebanese in Lebanon and abroad have developed due to the events that took place over the past 3 years.

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