Ukrainian army says Sunday was ‘difficult with’ ‘bombing in all directions’

The UN Security Council will hold an emergency session of the General Assembly on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Monday. The move comes as the European Union has imposed strict new measures on the Kremlin, including banning all Russian flights from the bloc’s airspace, and amid warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe among those displaced by the conflict.

The United Nations Security Council voted on Sunday to convene a rare emergency special session of the 193-member General Assembly on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Monday.

European Union leaders announced a raft of tough new sanctions against Russia on Sunday, such as closing the entire European Union’s airspace to Russian aircraft, including private aircraft used by oligarchs, and banning Russian state media.

Speaking alongside Josep Borrell, EU foreign policy chief, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said RT and Sputnik “will not be able to spread their lies to justify Putin’s war and sow division in our union.”

Von der Leyen also said the bloc would take on the unprecedented step of financing 450 million euros of arms to Ukraine and imposing export restrictions from Russia’s ally Belarus. European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, said after a special meeting in Brussels on Sunday.

More than 368,000 Ukrainians have already fled, mostly to Poland and Moldova, according to the United Nations refugee agency. On Sunday, Ukraine said it would hold talks with Russia on its border with Belarus.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a nuclear Russia. Deterrence forces are on high alert Sunday, citing “aggressive statements” by NATO powers and harsh financial sanctions and the White House said Putin is “making threats” with the matter while NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg criticized Putin’s “dangerous rhetoric,” adding: “This is irresponsible behaviour.” Follow the live blog below. If updates do not appear, please refresh the page.


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