Arab mosque in Jowhar city which has been modernized

Oct 06 ( – The grand opening of Noor mosque in the neighborhood of Horseed ex Masjidka Arabi was held today in Jowhar city in Hirshabelle regional government.

The inauguration of this mosque was attended by officials from the administration of the Middle East region, Jowhar ulama’udin district, and many people.

First of all, he informed about the construction of this mosque, Mohamud Mohamed Nur Barqab, he informed about the different parts of the mosque and the cost.

“The mosque has four spaces of 15 meters, and there used to be 625 people praying, but now it has been extended to two floors, the lower part can pray for 595 people and the courtyard can pray for 295 people and the women’s section can pray for 250,” said Inj Barqab.

Speaking about Engineer Barqab, he said that the cost of this mosque, which was collected by supporters, is 461,832,000 dollars.

At the opening ceremony of the mosque, many scholars spoke about the blessing of building the mosque.

Finally, the Deputy Governor of Sh/Medeh Regional Administration, Mr. Mohamed Abdi Sheikh and the Governor of Jowhar Osman Mohamed Muqtaar spoke at the event that broke the ribbon on the construction of this mosque and thanked the volunteers who participated in the construction of this mosque.

In the past few years, some of the biggest mosques in Jowhar city have been renovated, such as the Alharameyn mosque in Hantiwadaag market, Bilal mosque in Baryare and now the mosque in Kulmis neighborhood is in the final stage. Jowhar city.


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